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Magnetic Accelerated Action (MAA)

What is MAA?
The magnetic accelerated grand piano action is a traditional piano action whose dynamic behaviour is affected by the installation of two correspondingly-oriented permanent neodyne magnets, with very long lifetime, into the wippen rail and into the wippen part so that they repulse each other. With their forces, the magnets improve the dynamic behaviour of the piano action.

MAA effects
The magnets have the following effects on the behaviour of the action:
  • Easier initiation of the wippen and hammer head movement.
  • Gradual weakening of magnetic effects when a key goes down and the wippen up (gradual distancing of magnets).
  • Faster and easier movement of action parts and keys.
  • Faster repetition
  • Key balancing with smaller weights, or reduction of the weight of keys at the front part.
  • When a key is touched and released, the wippen and key get into their original positions faster.
  • Reduction of moving inertia masses during the keys and action parts movement, reduction of the load of the leverage system of the keyboard and action.
  • Reaching the feeling of easiness of piano playing while sustaining the usual traditional static balancing of the keys.
  • Easier changes in the dynamics and technique of piano playing.
  • Lower physical exertion and tiredness while playing.
Here you can download Service Technicians Manual for the Regulation of the Grand Piano Magnetic Accelerated Action (MAA) in PDF format.