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A properly maintained piano and lessons

If you or your child are taking lessons, it is so important that your piano works and sounds as perfectly as possible. Many people tell me that their child will not be playing at Carnegie Hall, or that "he/she is only a child" so the piano doesn't have to be perfect. No true! Your child's ear is being trained to learn the different sounds or pitch the piano makes. Part of learning is to play with expression, the louds and the softs. If the piano is not at the right pitch the student will not learn to recognize pitch, if the touch is wrong, the student will not learn dynamics. If the notes don't work correctly (or don't sound like the teacher's piano), the student may get frustrated and not want to continue.

You wouldn't teach someone to drive on a car when the wheels are falling off, the steering wheel only turns one way, the wipers don't work and the horn doesn't make any sound. Get the most from you instrument and your lessons!